Well it got off to a great start with Russell's 4WD not starting! Turned the vehicle on, and NOTHING.. Oh dear Russell.. what were you thinking..
Nevermind.. once we jump started it, we were off like a frog in a sock.. We took 3 vehicles this time around because Merry had to leave early to get back. So we all had 2 in each car.. Merry and Princess Fiona had heaps to catch up on..
First stop Boort (pronounced bought) where Chuck and Russell bought some petrol. Had to really.. Get it - we bought something in Boort.. ha ha! Lunch was Chuck's well prepared and thought through bacon and cheese rolls. That was it. Just the rolls. Nothing else. No spreads, no ham, no stras.. nada. Luckily Princess Fiona had some mars bar and rice bubble slice to get us through..
Then it was off to Wycheproof which is one of two towns in Victoria where the railway runs right down the middle of the main street, and divides the road. You drive on each side of the track.. Strange. But an experience..
Then we drove on to Sea Lake. I believe they still harvest salt from this lake. And they have some rally there as well. The NICEST public facilities that we will encounter for a long time.. And showers too (unlike the trip).. off again..
Then we passed through Speed. I would have like to have sped through Speed, but really, there was no speeding allowed. Boring..
Nevertheless, we headed off to the last town before the National Park. Chuck was planning on picking up some ice from here, but alas, there was nothing open. There was actually nothing but a shop and a pub there, but it was all shut up tight.. And I must say the internet was patchy in Patchewollock.. But they did have the large Mallee Fowl! Pretty impressive..
Lastly about 4.30 we made it Wyperfield National Park, and to Casuarina Campground - our base for the next 11 days.. Very spartan - 1 toilet block, no showers and 2 other campers.. But we got set up, unpacked and had a great BBQ for dinner..
For the remainder of the trip we have entrusted 9yr old Flora to be responsible for the blog.
Below is her first entry
On Sunday Russell’s car would not start, so it took even longer to get on the road to start our adventure.
Our adventure started from Lockington with Princess Fiona, Russell, Chuck, Merry, Bloom and Flora heading to Wyperfield National Park. Our travels took us through Boort, Wycheproof and on to Sea Lake. The reason it was called Sea Lake is because is because of a spelling error. Originally it was called “See Lake,” until a mistake was made somewhere along the line and the See was replaced with Sea. From here we drove quickly through Speed. At Patchewollock we stopped to look at the BIG Mallee Fowls. It was then on to Wyperfield National Park where we set up camp at the Casuarina Campground.
We set up the caravan and camper which took about 1 hour
The automobiles..
Not speeding through Speed |
The Mallee Fowl in Patchewollock |
The campsite |